Jack Henderson Jack Henderson

How much does lip filler cost in Edinburgh?

At The Face Clinic Edinburgh, we offer a range of lip filler treatments to help you achieve your desired look. Our prices for lip fillers depend on the type and amount of dermal filler used during the treatment. For lip filler treatments, our expert doctors specialise in subtle and low volume lip enhancement treatments that are placed in specific and strategic anatomical areas which reduce the overall volume of filler required whilst still achieving the desired aesthetic result.

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Jack Henderson Jack Henderson

What is cheek filler and what are the benefits?

1. Restores volume: Cheek filler can help restore volume lost in the cheeks due to aging or weight loss. This can give the face a more youthful and plump appearance.

2. Enhances facial contours: Cheek filler can enhance your natural facial contours and add definition to your cheekbones, helping to create a more aesthetically pleasing facial shape.

3. Non-surgical: Cheek filler is a non-surgical treatment, meaning that it does not require invasive surgery and has a shorter recovery time compared to surgical procedures.

4. Minimal downtime: Patients can return to their normal activities almost immediately after the treatment, and any redness or swelling will typically resolve within a few days.

5. Customizable: Cheek filler treatments are highly customisable, allowing our doctors to tailor the treatment to each patient's unique facial structure and desired outcome.

6. Long-lasting results: Cheek filler can provide long-lasting results, with effects typically lasting up to 12 months. Patients can return for touch-up treatments as desired to maintain their results.

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Jack Henderson Jack Henderson

How long does it take for Botox to work?

It's important to have realistic expectations regarding the timeline and outcomes of Botox injections. Consulting with a doctor at The Face Clinic Edinburgh allows us to provide a comprehensive assessment, explain the expected timeline for results, and tailor the treatment plan to your specific needs and goals. While the effects of Botox injections can be seen relatively quickly, it usually takes some time for the full results to become apparent.

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Jack Henderson Jack Henderson

Are Botox injections painful?

The Face Clinic Edinburgh’s doctors are highly experienced in Anti-Wrinkle treatment injection. The experience of pain during Botox injections can vary from person to person, however, Botox injections are generally considered to be relatively low on the pain scale for most individuals. There are some things to consider about discomfort before and during your Botox treatment.

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Ben Taylor-Davies Ben Taylor-Davies

Botox vs Filler - what’s the difference?

Natural skin rejuvenation has been the goal of aesthetic doctors for decades, and with so much technology at our fingertips in 2023 it can easily get confusing as a patient as to what each treatment actually does.

Whether you’re someone new to considering aesthetic medical treatments or a seasoned injectable-lover, it’s easy to get confused between the treatments available. Whats the difference between botox and fillers - they’re all needles, right? Here, Dr Ben breaks down the key differences between the two and how they can both be used in your anti-aging journey.

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